

Imabari City Event List

From the July issue of Imabari Public Relations
  • 27th Imabari Citizens Festival

    • Date: August 3 (Sat), 4 (Sun)
    • Location: Downtown area
    • Overview: Various events such as Imabari local traditional arts, Dance Barisai, Kiyama-Imabari festival song, Shimanami Kaido drum performance, etc. are held. On the last day, the “Onmaku Fireworks”, one of the largest in the Chushikoku region, will be held, and the summer night sky will shine beautifully.
  • Imabari Shopping Street Saturday Night Market

    • Date: Saturdays of July 6, 13, 20, 27
    • Location: Imabari Shopping Street Arcade
    • Overview: This is a traditional night market that has been going on for over 50 years. There are various stalls such as goldfish scooping, shooting, mini Shinkansen, street live, Ginza Marche. Various events are held on the special stage.
  • Kikuma Summer Festival

    • Date: July 20 (Sat)
    • Location: Special venue in front of Kawara-kan
    • Overview: Various bazaars, dances by various groups, Bon dance, etc. are held. At the end, fireworks are launched, coloring the night sky.
  • Yattaru DAY! in Yoshi-umi

    • Date: August 15 (Thu)
    • Location: Yoshi-umi Rose Park
    • Overview: Various events such as Bon dance centered on Yoshi-umi folk song, song show, dance by kindergarten children, etc. are held, and a fireworks festival is held at the end.
  • Summer Festa in Kamiura 2024 Festival of Sea, Light, and Dreams

    • Date: July 21 (Sun)
    • Location: Tatara Shimanami Park and others
    • Overview: Events such as standing dried net (fish catching by bare hands), fishing pond competition (for elementary school students), stage events are held. At the end, fireworks are launched, coloring the night sky.
  • Suigun Race

    • Date: July 28 (Sun)
    • Location: Special venue in front of Murakami Pirate Museum
    • Overview: 12 people board the restored ship “Kobasen” of Murakami pirates and compete for speed. The race is a knockout competition, with about 50 teams participating from inside and outside the prefecture. The finale is the launch of Miyakubo Dream Fireworks.
  • Asakura Summer Festa 2024

    • Date: August 10 (Sat)
    • Location: Asakura Junior High School Second Exercise Field
    • Overview: Various bazaars, dances by various groups, regional traditional arts Tsugijishi, collaboration of Bon dance and drums, fireworks festival, etc. are held.
  • The BON Festa

    • Date: August 10 (Sat)
    • Location: Tamagawa Comprehensive Park Athletic Field
    • Overview: A “Rengo” contest where groups compete for dance skills in free costumes, and a Bon dance that anyone can participate in are held, and a variety of fireworks are also launched.
  • 63rd Junior High School Speech Contest

    • Date: July 29 (Mon) 13:00~
    • Location: Minato Exchange Center Harbor
    • Overview: You can listen to the passionate assertion of junior high school students who wish for the healthy development of young people and a bright society without crime. There is sign language interpretation and summary notation.
  • Summer Tour Radio Gymnastics / Everyone’s Gymnastics Meeting

    • Date: July 29 (Mon) 6:00~6:45
    • Location: Public Hall
    • Overview: The touring radio gymnastics, which is broadcast live on NHK Radio 1 nationwide, is held.
  • Bocchan Theater Musical 8K Stage Video Screening

    • Date: August 17 (Sat) Morning part Start 10:30~ (Open 10:00) Afternoon part Start 14:00~ (Open 13:30)
    • Location: Public Hall
    • Overview: The screening work was decided by the vote of the citizens. Morning part / Tsuruhime Legend, Afternoon part / Oath Coin
  • Exhibition of Yoshishi Kawabata and his friends - Looking at the future 20 years ahead -

    • Date: July 31 (Wed) ~ August 12 (Mon / Holiday) 9:00~17:00 *Closed on August 5 (Mon)
    • Location: Kono Art Museum 2nd floor
    • Overview: We will look back on the works left by the late Yoshishi Kawabata, a Japanese painter who has made great contributions to the promotion of culture and art in Imabari City, and exhibit the works of “friends” who are creating works nationwide. The opening ceremony is held from 10:00 on July 31 (Wed), and a gallery talk by Yoshinai Kyosuke and others will be held from 10:00 on August 4 (Sun).
  • Golden Wedding & Diamond Wedding Ceremony

    • Date: August 1 (Thu)
    • Location: Public Hall
    • Overview: Those who got married in 1974, or those who got married between 1965 and 1973 and have not received a golden wedding celebration from the city are eligible.
  • Let’s dye the cloth Grass dyeing experience class

    • Date: August 6 (Tue) Morning part 9:30~11:30 Afternoon part 13:00~15:00
    • Location: Former Kamiura Health Center (Kamiura-cho Amasaki 3878-1)
    • Overview: You can experience the tie-dyeing of hand towels using plant dyes.
  • Shimanami Health School 2024 in Omishima “Everyone’s Handmade Udon Experience”

    • Date: August 12 (Mon) Morning part 9:30~11:30 Afternoon part 13:30~15:30
    • Location: Former Kamiura Health Center (Kamiura-cho Amasaki 3878-1)
    • Overview: You can experience handmade udon and interact.
  • Shunfutei Shotaro Produce Imabari Rakugo Meeting

    • Date: August 29 (Thu) Start 18:30~
    • Location: Central Community Center 4th Floor Large Hall
    • Overview: A rakugo meeting produced by Shunfutei Shotaro, the honorary towel sommelier of Imabari Towel, will be held. The performers are Tachikawa Shinosuke, Shunfutei Shotaro, and others.
  • 22nd Setouchi Shimanami Kaido Three-Day March

    • Date: October 5 (Sat), 6 (Sun)
    • Location:
    • Overview: A walking competition held in cooperation with Imabari City and Kamijima Town, and it is an official competition of the Japan Marching League. In this 22nd event, a new commemorative course for the 20th anniversary of the merger is set up. Also, following last year, you can explore the Kure City Mitarai district as an important traditional building group preservation district with the “Tobishima Kaido Course”.
  • Children’s “Working” Expedition

    • Date: July 25 (Thu) Morning group 9:00~12:00 Afternoon group 13:30~16:30 *School assembly / dissolution *The school is divided into morning and afternoon.
    • Location: Courthouse, bank, IT-related company, city hall
    • Overview: Visit companies and city halls, see adults “working”, and aim to create opportunities to think about the future by having quizzes and exchanging opinions with the mayor. A commemorative gift is given to the participants.
  • Town & Gown Concept Kickoff Symposium

    • Date: July 29 (Mon) 15:00~17:00
    • Location: Harbor, Minato Hall
    • Overview: The tops of Imabari City and Ehime University talk about the future image of Imabari City expected by collaboration.
  • July-August Blood Donation Aid Movement

    • Date: July 1 (Mon) 10:00~12:00
    • Location: In front of the Civic Center
    • Overview: Blood products used for transfusion, etc. are made from blood donated by blood donation. Please cooperate with 400mL blood donation.
  • 37th Imabari City Central Community Center Reading Concert

    • Date: July 14 (Sun) Start 14:00 (Open 13:30)
    • Location: Central Community Center 4th Floor Large Hall
    • Overview: With lighting and sound effects, reading will take you to the world of books. The program is, Thumb Princess, Flyless Firefly, Scarecrow Grandpa, etc.

  • City Hall Counter Extended Day

    • Date: Every week Mon / Wed (excluding holidays) until 19:00
    • Location: City Hall
    • Overview: You can do procedures such as a copy of the resident card, seal certificate, family register certificate, passport delivery, and all procedures for the My Number Card.

  • Consultation Corner

    • Date: July
    • Location: City Hall
    • Overview: Lawyer legal consultation, mental health worries consultation, household budget consultation, administrative consultation, management consultation, human rights consultation, real estate transaction consultation are held. *Each consultation may be canceled. Please inquire after July 1 (Mon).

  • Reiwa 6th Fiscal Year Low-Income Household Support Benefit (100,000 yen benefit)

    • Date:
    • Location:
    • Overview: As a comprehensive economic measure for complete deflation, considering the increase in burden due to price increases, a benefit will be paid to new Reiwa 6th fiscal year low-income households. Guidance documents will be sent sequentially to the target households from the end of June.

These pieces of information can be used as references for checking the details and schedules of each event. However, for specific dates, locations, and event contents, please check the official websites and related information of each event. Also, due to the impact of the novel coronavirus infection, events may be cancelled or postponed, so please check the latest information.

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